Solar ~ Uplifting

Solar ~ Uplifting

Activating, uplifting and empowering Vinyasa Flow with emphasis on developing strength, stamina and focus in the held poses and in transitions between poses.

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Solar ~ Uplifting
  • Go With The Flow

    This efficient practice is a progressive flow, incrementally building from simple to complex.

    The standing pose progression winds down to a little hip-opener, heart-opener sequence before dropping into rest.

    It’s a perfect practice for when you’re short on time but want to move mindfully and br...

  • Uplift

    What the body does, the mind follows and what the mind does, the body follows.

    This truth means one way to hack your mood is to move your body in the ways that are more in alignment with how you want to feel.

    Uplift is a practice to elevate your spirits with side openers and heart openers with ...

  • Back To Earth

    This is a practice created in celebration of Earth Day but is great for any day that you want to activate grounding energy.

    The poses all share qualities of the earth element and emphasize rooting, steadiness, and stability.

    The overall effect on your body-mind-spirit complex is calmness with a...

  • Twist of Fate

    A twist of fate is an unexpected change in circumstances and often our Yoga practice provides just that, a shift.

    This practice uses twists of all sorts to shift your perspective and wring out any stagnancy or stuck thoughts and emotions. There's an option for a twisted arm balance and alternati...

  • Seize The Day

    Carpe Diem! If you’re ready to seize the potential in this day, this practice will support you in embodying the power, purpose and poise to do just that!

    It’s short and sweet but carefully crafted to activate and energize!

    Let’s do this!

  • Energize

    When life gives us obstacles, we want to meet them with the dual powers of fortitude and flexibility. A belief in our ability to rise to the challenge but without attachment to how it unfolds.

    This practice harnesses your energy with postures that support you being strong, supple and radiant.


  • Love Train

    Sometimes you need to take the express route to feeling more open, loving and compassionate!

    Rather than try to think yourself there, might as well make it a whole being effort!

    This heart centered practice includes side and heart openers and some grounded backbends to get you back on track.

  • Steady & Strong

    Did you know bison walk INTO a storm, unlike other animals like cattle? They instinctively know the fastest way out of a storm is to go directly through it rather than to drift with the winds of the storm.

    Walking into challenges, both those we choose and those we don’t, requires steadiness and ...

  • Change of Pace

    Today’s practice includes 3 distinct and cohesive segments: Activation, Transformation and Completion. It’s a well-rounded mobility practice that includes strength work as well stretch.

    The emphasis is on moving and breathing not on auto-pilot but with total awareness. To support this effort, we...

  • Resolve

    Resolve is a firm determination to do something with intention. Often, it’s our regressive patterns of thinking and acting that get in our way.

    This practice includes lots of revolution – twists of your entire spine – to emulate the wringing out of the old and making space for absorbing the new....

  • Wonder

    Wonder is a quality we often associate more with childhood than adulthood. And yet, a strong sense of wonder ensures a life full of curiosity and openness to possibility.

    This practice aims to support wonder in your life through embodiment: flow, heart openers and the joy in savoring the after e...

  • Inner Light

    This is a practice of both celebrating and re-dedicating yourself to your inner light. Both stoking the flames and knowing when to take the rest that sustains your capacity for your heart’s brilliance.

    Steady standing pose flows and accessible backbends are like polishing the lens through which ...

  • Purify

    To purify is to ceremonially cleanse and in this practice we engage our entire body-mind-spirit conscious complex to extract that which contaminates us and clouds our true nature.

    Through twists, flow, core work and rest we’ll support the moving through of that which only weighs us down and emer...

  • Glow Up

    I’ve always believed in the power of using your body to support a desired positive mindset. Its power is one of the reasons movement is recommended to combat feelings of stuckness, emotional heaviness or depression.

    Glow Up is just that, a practice of embodying brightness, lightness and luminos...

  • Lit From Within

    This practice reminds us of what Ayurveda calls TEJAS or the expression of solar energy in our body-mind-spirit complex.

    Tejas is associated with our intelligence, discernment, enthusiasm, digestion and capacity for transformation.

    This practice ignites your inherent solar energy, like lighting...

  • Sweet Simplicity

    Sweet Simplicity was inspired by those times of excess, when everything feels complicated and we just yearn for something in our lives to be basic and simple.

    As I crafted this practice, I realized it felt a bit like practices I did when I first started practicing asana, before the evolution of ...

  • Morning Glory

    This vibrant home practice is full of accessible heart center and shoulder openers to work out any tension and liberate your spirit.

    We also do two Earthy backbends to restore you feeling of being both grounded AND open to possibility.

    The idea is that after this concise practice you’ll feel un...

  • Trust

    This is a practice to help you establish or reinforce your inner trust of Self.

    This self-trust is an unshakeable foundation on which you show up in the world and is especially valuable in tumultuous times and when others may be looking to you for how to act or respond.

    Throughout this practice...

  • Got Your Back

    Fun fact: The muscles of your BACK body propel you forward. So physically, it makes sense to keep your posterior chain of muscles as strong as they are flexible.

    Metaphorically speaking, what is BEHIND you can propel you forward in life when you draw strength from the wisdom you earned from your...

  • Activate

    Activate is a practice designed to be an auspicious BEGINNING.

    This could be as simple as the beginning of a day or maybe it’s your go-to New Moon practice. Any time you’re beginning something new whether it’s starting a new program or committing to a new attitude.

    It is inspired by the Hindu ...

  • Day Maker

    This practice was inspired by the idea of getting up on the RIGHT side of the bed. You can do it first thing in the morning but really you could do this practice any time you need a do-over and want to shift the energy of your day.

    It includes a couple grounded backbends that ask you to find sta...

  • Run With It - Pre Run

    These 2 home practices were designed to bookend your run!The pre-run practice includes dynamic stretching and flow for you to warm up your hips and legs and cultivate focus.The post-run practice combines fluid movement and deeper stretches to support a restoration of range of motion and drop you ...

  • Wring It Out

    In those times when we just feel FULL of emotions, of responsibilities, of ideas, of stress, nothing satisfies quite like a deep twisting practice to holistically wring yourself out.

    This active yet methodically paced home practice combines stretching your side body with lots of different twists...

  • Solid Gold Core

    Your core is the hub of your body and the main power source for the movements you make.

    It's a 360 powerhouse, that runs from your armpits to your knees.

    In the chakra model of Yoga, it is associated with your 3rd chakra called manipura, roughly located around your solar plexus. This energy cen...