Did you know bison walk INTO a storm, unlike other animals like cattle? They instinctively know the fastest way out of a storm is to go directly through it rather than to drift with the winds of the storm.
Walking into challenges, both those we choose and those we don’t, requires steadiness and strength – this practice fortifies both with strong standing poses, reinforcing core and powerful hip openers to bolster your body and mind.
You might like to have a block for today’s practice.
And thank you Judy S. for the inspo on this one!!
Up Next in Solar ~ Uplifting
Change of Pace
Today’s practice includes 3 distinct and cohesive segments: Activation, Transformation and Completion. It’s a well-rounded mobility practice that includes strength work as well stretch.
The emphasis is on moving and breathing not on auto-pilot but with total awareness. To support this effort, we...
Resolve is a firm determination to do something with intention. Often, it’s our regressive patterns of thinking and acting that get in our way.
This practice includes lots of revolution – twists of your entire spine – to emulate the wringing out of the old and making space for absorbing the new....
Wonder is a quality we often associate more with childhood than adulthood. And yet, a strong sense of wonder ensures a life full of curiosity and openness to possibility.
This practice aims to support wonder in your life through embodiment: flow, heart openers and the joy in savoring the after e...