

These home practices emphasize strength, stretch or mobility in your shoulders, arms, wrists and hands. While these home practices also include movements and postures that touch other areas of your body, they accentuate our ability for greater functional range of motion in our upper joints. These practices challenge both our strength and our muscle flexibility to be able to both hold and move safely in and out of postures that involve your upper extremities.

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  • Back At It

    For a lot of us, our mid and upper backs lose mobility due to posture, lifestyle and a lot of the same movements over and over again.

    This practice aims to restore some mobility and increase a feeling of freedom in your mid and upper back as well as their neighbors, your shoulders.

    It combines ...

  • Yoga For A Busy Day

    On our busiest days, often the first things to go are the self-care practices that ground us.

    We might think, “I don’t have time today”

    That’s why I think it’s essential to have some shorter practices to keep you committed and consistent.

    This practice is that, short but still complete with j...

  • Live Asana 6/5/22

    Live Asana 6/5/22 - Our June 2022 Mindfulness Theme is NOURISHMENT. We focus on how we nourish ourselves on the levels of body, mind and spirit and this practice aims to support all 3. Enjoy!

  • Live Asana 5/1/22

    To embody our mindfulness theme of GROWTH this month, this steady strength practice with a focus on growth edges and flow state supports our own hatching of new ideas, creations, perspectives and manifestations of the growth we wish to experience in this one wild and precious life! Inspired by sp...

  • Recovery Boost

    This practice aims to support your physical and mental recovery through both slow flow and static stretching.

    The sequence provides stretches to all major muscle groups while the pacing and vibe give your mind and nervous system a chance to downshift and restore.

    It’s a great recovery practice ...

  • Yoga For Anxiety

    This practices supports you in centering and grounding when you’re experiencing a bout of anxiety!

    One point of focus is APANA, or the downward flow of energy so you start to come out of the head-spin and get grounded. The other focus is SAMANA or the inward flow of energy so you regain a feelin...

  • Yoga For Self-Love

    Self-love is sometimes elusive, even amongst those of us that freely show others love, compassion and kindness. It’s a constant work in progress.

    This practice aims to enhance your awareness of the power of your heart and a feeling of warmth for yourself through movement, breathwork and affirmat...

  • Yoga For After Sitting

    Whether its work from home or at the office, long hours in the car or unbearably long plane rides, it is so nice to have a yoga practice on hand for after long periods of sitting.

    This practice focuses on chest, shoulders, core and hips to open you back up and restore some balance to your body a...

  • Awake & Alive

    This is great for a morning yoga practice or any time of day that you want a little boost.

    It’s joint friendly with a lot of room to find what’s just right for you and has just a bit of core activation to stoke your inner fire.

    Let’s get you feeling awake and alive!

  • Bonus Live Asana - 11/25/21

    An embodied celebration of gratitude, both giving and receiving it. Water element practice. Honoring the land, the water, the sky, all living things and the original stewards of the land we now call home.

    Starts with context for the sequencing.
    Gratitude meditation starts around 5:00.
    Asana star...

  • Feel Good Flow

    Today’s practice is perfect for days you may be feeling stuck in a rut or your energy seems to have stagnated.

    It’s a progressive flow of simple poses where each round builds on the one before it, all synchronized with your beautiful breath.

    It can break up your holding patterns and restore a f...

  • Heart Warming

    This is a practice for ventilating your heart center – to clear away any heaviness or stuckness in your chest, upper back and shoulders.

    It begins with a progressive vinyasa flow, evolving one element each round and culminates with a beautiful and accessible heart-opener before settling back dow...

  • Post-Hike Yoga

    Who doesn’t love a great hike?

    This is an effective recovery practice after a glorious hike, a long walk or even a run!

    It emphasizes stretching calves, hamstrings, quads and hips as well as opens up your chest and shoulders.

    Accelerate your recovery with this practice to get back out on the t...

  • Refresh - Upper & Lower Body

    REFRESH is a two part practice and you can choose to do one or both depending on what you need in the moment!

    First up is an upper body sequence that renews shoulder and spine mobility.

    Second is a lower body sequence that restores freedom to all 4 quadrants of your hips.

    They’re both thoroug...

  • Refresh - Upper Body

    REFRESH is a two part practice and you can choose to do one or both depending on what you need in the moment!

    First up is an upper body sequence that renews shoulder and spine mobility.

    Second is a lower body sequence that restores freedom to all 4 quadrants of your hips.

    They’re both thoroug...

  • Fluid Flow

    This water element inspired practice is a continual flow of movement and breath without any significant long holds.

    It’s fluid effects are felt as dissolving tension patterns, like solid ice melting.

    It’s a perfect practice for when you’re feeling the urge to move and breathe freely to find eas...

  • Post-Workout Recovery 2

    This practice is all about stretch and release. After you exercise and exert yourself, it's essential to make time for recovery.

    This class emphasizes both stretching those hard-working muscles as well as encouraging your nervous system to downshift from activation into a more balanced state.


  • First Light

    This is what I’d call a low-key fire element practice. Not blazing, but more like the sun just rising or just about to set.

    The energy and activation are there in the form of twists and expansive postures but it’s tempered by a feeling of calm and groundedness.

    This is a great practice to get ...

  • On The Road - AM Practice

    As the name would suggest, this practice pair is designed for travel! Sometimes you’re in tight spaces, sometimes you don’t have as much time as usual.

    The AM practice is great for daytime, wherever and whenever you can squeeze it in. In addition to some well-rounded postures, it includes a litt...

  • Fresh Air

    This practice is like stepping out for a breath of fresh air.

    It supports you in activating your life force and reinvigorating yourself.

    I included expansive movements within poses, just the right amount of flow and simple heart openers to lift you up.

  • Heartcore

    A fire in your belly ignites brilliance in your heart.

    This practice is equal parts core cultivation and heart openers to activate your third and fourth chakra energies!

    It also supports core strength and chest and shoulder stretch to keep you strong and supple.

    I’ve woven them together in a w...

  • Top Of The Morning

    This is a morning friendly, progressive flow practice.

    What that means is that we build a sequence gradually, one pose at a time so you get to ease into it before feeling the culmination of the entire flow.

    We follow that with a little hip opener love and slide into a short savasana before you ...

  • Shoulder Mobility

    Healthy shoulder mobility requires BOTH strong and flexible shoulder muscles.

    This practice weaves both movements that are strength building and that encourage more extensibility throughout.

    If you hold tension in your shoulders or want to keep this tricky joint as healthy as possible, this one...

  • Uplift

    What the body does, the mind follows and what the mind does, the body follows.

    This truth means one way to hack your mood is to move your body in the ways that are more in alignment with how you want to feel.

    Uplift is a practice to elevate your spirits with side openers and heart openers with ...