Our monthly live practices on Zoom archive. You will always receive an email with the Zoom details beforehand and it will also be posted on the Forum on the Board called "Live Practices"
Live Satsang 4/18/21 - Santosha or Contentment
Live Satsang 4/18/21 - Santosha/Contentment, Ananda/Bliss, our natural propulsion towards them & Panoramic Vision
Live Asana 4/11/21
Live Asana 4/11/21 - Hips & Heart practice special guest star, Louis Caputo for his 34th. birthday!
Live Meditation (Tonglen) - 3/28/21
Live Meditation (Tonglen) - Taking In and Sending Out - A Tibetan Buddhist practice to awaken compassion
Live Satsang 3/21/21 - Jñana or Knowledge
Live Satsang - Today's topic was jñana - the knowledge of Self. How we don't practice it and practical ways to practice it more. The success or "failure" of our efforts is always tied to our values. Loved your insights here!
Live Asana - 3/14/21 - Slow Flow For Your Mojo
Live Asana - 3/14/21 - Slow Flow For Your Mojo. One year after the official "start" of the pandemic, honoring what you've worked with and how you've showed up. Proud to be your friend.
Live Meditation 2/28/21
Live Meditation 2/28/21 - Yoga Is The Control Of The Nature Of Your Thoughts - Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodah
Live Meditation 1/24/21
LIVE Meditation from 1/24/21 - the intro is about creating new habits (like a regular meditation practice, for example) requires we connect the habit to our values rather than try with just some feeling we "should" do it. And second, that meditation gives us the opportunity to disrupt or interrup...
Live Satsang 1/17/21 - SHUNYATA or Absence of the Conditioned
Live Satsang - A Gathering Of True People - on SHUNYATA, the absence of the conditioned and the touching of the unconditioned. Plus beautiful, powerful shares, questions and comments from our Potluck community.
Live Asana - 1/10/21 - Grounding & Centering - Earth & Embers
Live Asana - 1/10/21 - Grounding & Centering - Earth & Embers
Downward energy to ground, inward energy to center and a tempo to support that.
Technical difficulties means the recording quality is lower than usual on this one, just FYI, thanks for your understanding!
Live Asana - 12/22/20 - Bonus Holiday Practice!
Live Asana - 12/22/20 - Bonus Holiday Practice!
Live Meditation 12/20/20
Live Meditation 12/20/20 - On training up the inner LIBERATOR vs. the inner OPPRESSOR
Live Satsang 12/13/20 - Viveka or Discernment
Live Satsang 12/13/20 - A Gathering Of True People - We discuss viveka or discernment, some of the challenges and some of the long term benefits. Powerful reflection before starting a new cycle, 2021.
Live Asana - 12/06/20 - Lightness of Being
Our Live Asana Practice from Sunday 12/6/20 focused on heart opening.
Practice begins 5 minutes in after a welcome and intro to the inspiration for the practice.
Live Meditation 11/20/20
Live Meditation 11/20/20 - A little practical advice followed by a teaching on Impermanence
Live Satsang 11/14/20 - Celebrating our inner light
Our November LIVE Satsang, on the Indian holiday of Diwali or the Festival of Lights. We talk about celebrating our inner light, what that actually is, as well as the forces and tendencies that dim it. It's hard work! But you're never, ever, ever alone in it!
Live Asana - 11/08/20 - Reground, regroup, reinhabit, restore
Live Asana practice after a very full week emphasizes getting back into your body and the present. A space to ventilate your feelings, churn them through, discharge build up and come back home to yourself.
Live Meditation 10/25/20
We explored why we know meditation is "good for us" but we still struggle with the commitment to do it everyday. Once we know why, it may reframe the challenge and the practice. Followed by excellent Q&A from The Potluck!
Live Satsang 10/18/20 - Tyranny of our Reactivity
Live Yoga Potluck Satsang about the "Tyranny of our Reactivity". Dharma talk from Gina followed by most excellent questions and comments and truth bombs from our community. Absolutely glorious. We are doing the work.
Live Asana Practice - 10/10/20 Nervous System Balance
Inspired by the GAS/BRAKES of your autonomic nervous system, we apply the gas pedal and then coast towards savasana. Ends with some toning pranayama!
Live Meditation 9/22/20
Live Meditation on Zoom on 9/22/20
Live Satsang 9/17/20 - Collaborate vs. Resist
Our Live Satsang on 9/17/20 - topic is Collaborate vs. Resist. A Satsang is a gathering of TRUE people, like you. People committed to finding their truth and understanding in deeply.
Live Asana Practice - 09/09/20 - Soul Flow
A slow-flow Lunar practice for the Last Quarter Moon that emphasizes RELEASING and letting go,
Live Meditation - 8/30/20
Intro to meditation plus an Embodied Awareness meditation. So wonderful to sit with you all this morning!
Live Practice 8/22/20
Our August monthly live practice was an Elemental Vinyasa practice called Earth Below Me, Sky Above Me, Fire Within Me and traversed the elements of Earth, Fire and Air before heading back to Earth again for a sweet finish.
We missed all who couldn't attend and held space for you!
Please note t...