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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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Satsang - Part 1 - 3/2/25 - Krodha or Anger

Live Satsang Soul Circle Replays

Up Next in Live Satsang Soul Circle Replays

  • Live Satsang - 2/2/25 - Vishāda - Emo...

    Live Satsang 2/2/25 - Vishāda - Working Skillfully with Emotional Overwhelm

    Vishāda is the Sanskrit word for despair, dejection or emotional overwhelm to the point of paralysis or collapse. (please note, spelling of Sanskrit words in the auto-captions is almost always incorrect)

    In this Satsang...

  • Live Satsang Soul Circle ~ Flow State...

    This month we explore what constitutes a "Flow State" or the states called Dharana and Dhyana in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

    Audio-only version:

    I reference an important book in my life and personal evolution that I read in college,...

  • Live Satsang Soul Circle 12/8/24 ~ MA...

    This month we explore a niyama from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: MATI or self-reflection. Mati invites us into the practice of deep self-inquiry: a commitment to exploring our values, questioning our unconscious patterns, and aligning our actions with our aspirations.

    It challenges us to pause and...