Live Satsang 12/12/21 - Balance - Where it shows up in Yoga Philosophy, the yogic practices (and related) to find it and a self-assessment practice that starts at 29:00!
Work >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Play
Activity >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Rest
People Time >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Solo Time
Growth Opportunities >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Unchanging Responsibilities
Giving >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Receiving
Mechanical >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Spiritual
Adventure >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Repetition
Health >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Sacrifice
Responsibility >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Autonomy
Productivity >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Creativity
Inspired >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<< Obligated
Up Next in Live Satsang Soul Circle Replays
Live Satsang 11/21/21 - Gratitude or ...
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Live Satsang - 10/17/21 - CONNECTION
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