Live Satsang 5/7/23 - Roots + Grounding
Live Satsang Soul Circle Replays
Live Satsang 5/7/23 - May Soul Circle on Roots + Grounding
0:00-33:30 - Teaching on Roots + Grounding
33:30-end - Potluck Soul Circle
Audio only version:
Function of roots in plants
• Anchor and support
• Absorb and transport water and minerals
• Store nourishment
• Transfer genetic information from parent to offspring – know thyself
Practices that support you feeling grounded in the present
• Body practices – emphasize pelvic floor, legs, downward movement, wide, slow, releasing (restorative)
- Feel your feet on the ground
- Earthing
- Emphasize heaviness for more grounding, weighted blanket, vest, sand bags
• Breath practices – emphasize apana in it’s form of letting go, exhalation
• Mind practices – mantra – I am…
- I am grounded
- I am in my body
- Impermanence – This will pass
- I am connected to the Earth – I am held by the Great Mother
- I am rooted in my Truth
- I am rooted like a tree
- So Hum, Ham Sa – I am That, That I am
• Identify Practices and environments that support you in feeling like YOURSELF
• Know thyself practices
• Meditation – self-witnessing
• Journaling
• Play
• Dress, styling
• Language
• Music
• Release all posturing related to how you’re perceived by others, prioritize how you’re perceiving yourself
• Environments include people, sensory input, materials you engage with (tv, books), your space
What are some of the practices and environments that support YOU feeling like the true YOU? And are you engaging in enough of them right now? Why or why not?
Up Next in Live Satsang Soul Circle Replays
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Audio-only version:
Some prompts ...
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You can reach out to Gita at [email protected] or
Two quotes Gita wanted to share:
"A mome...
Live Satsang 2/5/23 - RITUAL
Live Satsang on our February 2023 Focus: RITUAL
Audio only file:
0:00-20:00 Teaching on Ritual
20:00-52:00 Community integration and sharing
52:00-End Invitation to engage with ritual, announcements