Satsang - Part 1 - 3/2/25 - Krodha or Anger
Part 1 of our Satsang on Anger (Krodha) and how to work with it skillfully from a Yoga perspective. I recorded this since I'm in a very different time zone and a live session would be tough but we will have our Soul Circle on this topic in conjunction with our Live Meditation on 3/23 to see how t...
Live Satsang - 2/2/25 - Vishāda - Emotional Overwhelm
Live Satsang 2/2/25 - Vishāda - Working Skillfully with Emotional Overwhelm
Vishāda is the Sanskrit word for despair, dejection or emotional overwhelm to the point of paralysis or collapse. (please note, spelling of Sanskrit words in the auto-captions is almost always incorrect)
In this Satsang...
Live Satsang Soul Circle ~ Flow State ~ Dharana/Dhyana
This month we explore what constitutes a "Flow State" or the states called Dharana and Dhyana in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
Audio-only version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15EA3EI4fv9jg5brtFUnzb-ZVztZ8D5bJ
I reference an important book in my life and personal evolution that I read in college,...
Live Satsang Soul Circle 12/8/24 ~ MATI ~ Self-Reflection
This month we explore a niyama from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: MATI or self-reflection. Mati invites us into the practice of deep self-inquiry: a commitment to exploring our values, questioning our unconscious patterns, and aligning our actions with our aspirations.
It challenges us to pause and...
Live Satsang 11/03/24 - Grounding
In this live Satsang Soul Circle, we focus on Grounding, what it is and how to support it physically, mentally and energetically both through the lens of Yoga + Ayurveda and general Wellness principles, both evidence backed and experience backed!
Audio only: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yVDc...
Live Satsang Soul Circle 10/6/24 Time / Kala
Live Satsang Soul Circle 10/6/24 Time / Kala
In this Satsang we explore our relationship with TIME. Most Westerners think of time as LINEAR, while the source of Yoga considers time to be CYCLICAL. We explore the differences between the two and the potential benefits of seeing time as cyclical vs...
Live Satsang 9/15/24
September's focus is service through the lens of yoga and the concept of "moral beauty". We discuss general service, karma yoga and seva (or SELFLESS service) and the idea of liberating ourselves and others from the suffering that comes from human conditioned consciousness through acts of moral b...
Live Bonus Soul Circle 9/1/24
Spontaneous Soul Circle just because! This Satsang is on kindness and compassion and a quote I couldn't stop thinking about all week:
The faster you're moving, the more you're in fear.
The more you're in fear, the more you're only thinking about yourself.
The more you're only thinking about your... -
Live Satsang 8/9/24 - Auspiciousness
For August we explore AUSPICIOUSNESS - those moments in life that are most favorable and likely to bear fruit. These are excellent times to explore growth. In this video I talk about ways to tune towards your own intuition and included several journal prompts for how connected you are to signs of...
Live Satsang 7/14/21 - Wonder or Adbhuta Rasa
Live Satsang 7/14/21 - Wonder or Adbhuta Rasa
This month we explore the concept of WONDER or, in Indian Classical Art Adbhuta Rasa, one of the 9 human emotional states. We explore its roots, what it's key features are, what evokes it, why it's challenging as adults, its benefits and practical ti...
Live Satsang 6/9/24 - Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior
Tap into your vigor to face the challenges of life with intention and empowerment. This Satsang was LIT. Give it a listen and explore what is calling for your vigor to rise up right now.
Audio only version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XTp2ynBfReYjMO7BEg-htW6f5XVgnzkQ/
Time stamps:
Live Satsang 5/5/24 - MAITRI ~ Loving Kindness
Live Satsang 5/5/24 - MAITRI - Loving Kindness - Make Friends With Your Mind Part 3. This month we're exploring a loving-kindness centered approach to the Inner Critic, building off one of the Parts (from Internal Family Systems) and the Cognitive Distortions (part of Maya or illusion, that we fo...
Live Satsang Soul Circle 4/14/24 - Maya
April 2024 - Making Friends with Your Mind Pt 2: MAYA - The veil of illusion. We explored the major cognitive distortions - the illusions we cognitively participate in.
Audio only: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rrIepa4-c1JcAyRbfAYlOIK0a7othWgb
No time stamping since teaching and sharing are ...
Live Bonus Soul Circle 03/29/24
Make Friends With Your Mind Bonus Soul Circle - Exploring obstacles, reframes and new approaches to the usual tricks our ego mind likes to play on us that keep us from moving through the world sure of who we are. We talk about pleasing, selflessness, boundaries, external validation and seeking ap...
Live Satsang Soul Circle 3/10/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind
Make Friends With Your Mind - explore identity, ego and AHAMKARA - the "I-Maker" - just as we and those around us construct our identities, we have the power to change them, expand them and continually challenge them to be sure we're living in alignment, vs on auto-pilot or in an effort to fulfil...
Live Satsang 2/4/24
February Soul Circle on CONNECTION - Yoga - Union. We explore the key connection of self to Self or individual to Divine and the transcendence of conditioning which impacts our ability to CONNECT with all other living things!
0:00 - 41:00 - Teaching
41:00 - 1:18 - Soul CircleAudio only version...
Live Satsang Soul Circle 1/7/24 - Effort / Ease or Sthira / Sukha
Live Satsang Soul Circle 1/7/24 - Sthira + Sukha - Effort + Ease - Strength + Surrender
Audio only version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FR3wQDeEczyR5t8uP5vc9Nr1IUuptNus
Sthira refers to stability, intent, and strength. Sukha refers to ease, openness and surrender.
Live Satsang 12/10/23 - SELF-STUDY or SVADHYAYA
Live Satsang Soul Circle from December 2023 - Focus of the month is SVADHYAYA or SELF-STUDY. Please ignore the video glitches at the beginning due to poor connectivity. Luckily the audio is constant (more important) and be thankful it's not your face freezing on the screen 🤣 🤣 🤣
We explore 2 de...
Live Satsang 10/29/23 - Gratitude or Kritanja
November 2023 Satsang + Soul Circle on our monthly focus: Gratitude or Kritanja
What is the spiritual philosophy behind gratitude?
Why purpose does gratitude actually serve?
What is negativity bias, why do we have it and what are the risks of leaving it unchecked?
How and when are we challenged ... -
Live Satsang 10/01/23 - IMPERMANCENCE or ANITYA
Live Satsang 10/01/23 - Impermanence - Anitya - Anicca
Anitya in Sanskrit – Anicca in PaliAudio only: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14uAflgnTRM-4LNn0Ou74ctLwwtlrlZxO
One of the kleshas, the 5 oot causes of suffering – AVIDYA – ignorance
For example, ignorance of the connection ... -
Live Satsang Soul Circle 9/3/23 - DHARANA or presence and focus
Live Satsang Soul Circle 9/3/23 - this month's theme is DHARANA or presence and focus.
Audio only: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zmKovqfyA_CN0dROFgJOcpHjsIkwlMjX/view
Where focus goes, energy flows
Where energy flows, focus goesRichard Freeman: “A basic axiom of yoga is that Prana and citt...
Live Satsang 8/6/23 - Karuna or Compassion
Live Satsang Soul Circle 8/6/23 on Karuna or Compassion
A lively discussion on compassion and accessing this state of empathy with action via our relationship with OUR OWN suffering.
Learn the 4 main ways we respond to pain/hurt/distress and the incredible power of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - REFRAME - P...
Live Satsang 7/9/23 - Energy Management or Pranayama
Live Satsang 7/9/23 - Energy Management - this month we're exploring how to manage our energy (life force, prana) to support living our best lives. We discuss some steps for doing an energy audit of yourself that include:
1) Exploring energy leaks
2) Identifying energy vampires
3) Prioritizing a... -
Live Satsang Soul Circle 6/4/23 - BLOOM
Live Satsang Soul Circle 6/4/23 - BLOOM
Audio-only: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ac4kDZkpYNtSA9FHWNeq-9wUymHhAxCQ
In this Satsang we explore the concept of living in BLOOM and 3 of the main impediments to showing up as your best, most authentic self and the practices and strategies to work ...