February Soul Circle on CONNECTION - Yoga - Union. We explore the key connection of self to Self or individual to Divine and the transcendence of conditioning which impacts our ability to CONNECT with all other living things!
0:00 - 41:00 - Teaching
41:00 - 1:18 - Soul Circle
Audio only version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13uxSBcxL8ByR7O7bG9_PhyQ1MI2FZ0Rb/view?usp=sharing
Contemplations for pondering / journaling / meditating:
1) Is it possible to value the unknown "what lies beneath our conditioning" enough to do this work? If yes, can we learn to value it enough to rise to the challenge of the work to realize it? How? How do you keep it present and more valuable than the ease of a well-practiced, conditioned approach?
2) HOW can we value something we don’t know exactly what it is until we experience it??
3) What specifically in our conditioning feels like it is prohibiting the union or connection of these two aspects of ourselves?
Hint: Attachments – our clinging and resisting – are what stand between the self we know best and this higher, divine Self
4) How could this work you do within yourself benefit your connections with other beings? Why specifically would this work feel valuable to you?
5) What do you do when trying to forge a connection with another person?
(ex: curiosity, patience, positive regard...) Are any of these actions translatable to the connection you could forge with your highest self?
6) What are the qualities of a healthy relationship or connection? What do you give to strong relationships? (Patience, compassion, presence…)
Are any of these relevant to the connection you seek to forge within you?
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