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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People

Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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Live Asana - 11/08/20 - Reground, regroup, reinhabit, restore

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  • Live Meditation 10/25/20

    We explored why we know meditation is "good for us" but we still struggle with the commitment to do it everyday. Once we know why, it may reframe the challenge and the practice. Followed by excellent Q&A from The Potluck!

  • Live Satsang 10/18/20 - Tyranny of ou...

    Live Yoga Potluck Satsang about the "Tyranny of our Reactivity". Dharma talk from Gina followed by most excellent questions and comments and truth bombs from our community. Absolutely glorious. We are doing the work.

  • Live Asana Practice - 10/10/20 Nervou...

    Inspired by the GAS/BRAKES of your autonomic nervous system, we apply the gas pedal and then coast towards savasana. Ends with some toning pranayama!