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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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  • Live Satsang 7/9/23 - Energy Manageme...

    Live Satsang 7/9/23 - Energy Management - this month we're exploring how to manage our energy (life force, prana) to support living our best lives. We discuss some steps for doing an energy audit of yourself that include:

    1) Exploring energy leaks
    2) Identifying energy vampires
    3) Prioritizing a...

  • Live Meditation 6/18/23

    For our June 2023 focus of BLOOM, we explore a chakra-based visualization meditation, with a focus on each individual chakra and it's qualities as well as a energy movement meditation culminating in the thousand-petaled lotus of your crown in full bloom.

    Explore which chakras you felt it was ea...

  • Live Asana 6/11/23

    Live Asana 6/11/23 - June BLOOM - Heart openers to activate courage to bloom! Per your previous requests, this blooming practice includes heart openers, shoulder mobility, side stretching and a Camel (Ustrasana) clinic to perhaps improve your relationship with this beneficial pose.