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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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Live Meditation 2/17/25 - Vishada or Working with Emotional Overwhelm

Live Meditation Replays

Up Next in Live Meditation Replays

  • Live Meditation 1/26/25 ~ Flow State

    This kicks off with a short talk with examples on Flow State challenges, a reminder that our community is a refuge in challenging times, some gentle stretches to discharge stress and tension and then a guided meditation that starts with a body scan, then breath awareness, then focus on Flow State...

  • Live Meditation 12/29/24 ~ MATI ~ Sel...

    Live Movement + Meditation on MATI or Self-Reflection/Perception 12/29/24

    Time stamps:
    0:00-5:00: Welcome & intro
    5:00-21:00: Gentle movement & mobility
    21:00-42:00: Guided meditaiton

    Audio only version:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24 - Grounding ~ Apana Vayu with guest teacher Tracey Garcia. Glorious, simple, grounding movement followed by a beautiful nature-based visualization meditation.

    Time stamps:
    Opening: 0:00 - 4:45
    Movement: 4:45 - 31:00
    Meditation: 31:00-52:00
    Closing: 52:00-53:35...