Live Meditation 2/17/25 - Vishada or Working with Emotional Overwhelm
Live Meditation Replays
Based on a Yoga Nidra, this guided meditation includes several different techniques for getting focused and grounded including a very powerful mantra. We begin with some simple movement to prepare to sit and then dive in and use several different techniques to cultivate focus. My great hope is that one or more of these techniques or the mantra feel like a powerful tool for you to use ANYTIME overwhelm starts to creep in.
Time stamps:
0:00-5:22 - Welcome + intro
5:22 - 14:00 - Gentle movement to prepare
14:00 - 36:00 - Guided meditation
Audio-only version:
Up Next in Live Meditation Replays
Live Meditation 1/26/25 ~ Flow State
This kicks off with a short talk with examples on Flow State challenges, a reminder that our community is a refuge in challenging times, some gentle stretches to discharge stress and tension and then a guided meditation that starts with a body scan, then breath awareness, then focus on Flow State...
Live Meditation 12/29/24 ~ MATI ~ Sel...
Live Movement + Meditation on MATI or Self-Reflection/Perception 12/29/24
Time stamps:
0:00-5:00: Welcome & intro
5:00-21:00: Gentle movement & mobility
21:00-42:00: Guided meditaitonAudio only version:
Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24
Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24 - Grounding ~ Apana Vayu with guest teacher Tracey Garcia. Glorious, simple, grounding movement followed by a beautiful nature-based visualization meditation.
Time stamps:
Opening: 0:00 - 4:45
Movement: 4:45 - 31:00
Meditation: 31:00-52:00
Closing: 52:00-53:35...