Live Meditation Replays

Live Meditation Replays

Live Meditations in The Yoga Potluck

Live Meditation Replays
  • Live Meditation 2/17/25 - Vishada or Working with Emotional Overwhelm

    Based on a Yoga Nidra, this guided meditation includes several different techniques for getting focused and grounded including a very powerful mantra. We begin with some simple movement to prepare to sit and then dive in and use several different techniques to cultivate focus. My great hope is th...

  • Live Meditation 1/26/25 ~ Flow State

    This kicks off with a short talk with examples on Flow State challenges, a reminder that our community is a refuge in challenging times, some gentle stretches to discharge stress and tension and then a guided meditation that starts with a body scan, then breath awareness, then focus on Flow State...

  • Live Meditation 12/29/24 ~ MATI ~ Self-Reflection

    Live Movement + Meditation on MATI or Self-Reflection/Perception 12/29/24

    Time stamps:
    0:00-5:00: Welcome & intro
    5:00-21:00: Gentle movement & mobility
    21:00-42:00: Guided meditaiton

    Audio only version:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24 - Grounding ~ Apana Vayu with guest teacher Tracey Garcia. Glorious, simple, grounding movement followed by a beautiful nature-based visualization meditation.

    Time stamps:
    Opening: 0:00 - 4:45
    Movement: 4:45 - 31:00
    Meditation: 31:00-52:00
    Closing: 52:00-53:35...

  • Live Meditation 10/27/24 - Time or Kala

    A meditation on time (kala) as cycles, inspired by breath waves. The breath is the greatest teacher of all of time as cyclical, of impermanence and the connection of all things.

    Audio-only of meditation + soul circle:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 9/29/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 9/29/24 - Kindness & Compassion

    Audio-only version:

    Intro: 0:00-2:41
    Movement: 2:42-17:40
    Guided Meditation:17:41-45:51

  • Live Movement & Meditation 8/25/24

    Live guided Movement & Meditation on Auspiciousness - cultivate the qualities of devotion, empathy, equanimity, truth, acceptance, compassion and gratitude.

    Subtitles available and audio-only version of the meditation is here:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 7/28/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 7/28/24 on WONDER. We begin with some context for the sit, go into about 12 minutes of gentle movement to prepare to sit and then a 20 minute guided meditation with prompts to elicit a connection with WONDER in your life.

    Time stamps:

    0:00-6:15 - Context
    6:15-18:00 - ...

  • Live Meditation 6/23/24 - Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior

    A short, gentle movement practice sets the stage for acknowledging and caring for your inner warrior. We explore two ways we express our warrior vigor - in crisis and in personal evolution. Our warrior is always within, but not an unlimited resource. Self-care, discernment and boundaries are esse...

  • Live Movement + Meditation 5/19/24 - Maitri

    Live Movement + Meditation 5/19/24 - Maitri Meditation - Loving Kindness

    A little movement practice to support your mobility (every day my friends, a little bit every day goes a long way!) followed by a classic meditation: Maitri Meditation. We generate loving kindness in rounds beginning with o...

  • Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind 2 - Embrace All Your Parts

    0-1:30 Intro to Session
    1:30-17:30 Stretch
    17:30-23:50 Intro to Meditation
    23:50-53:00 Guided Meditation
    53:00-End Soul Circle

    Audio of entire session:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 3/24/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind

    Live Movement + Meditation 3/24/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind - A Self-Compassion Guided Meditation + continued discussion

    Time stamps:

    0:000-1:40 - Opening
    1:40-13:45 - Mindful movement
    13:45-29:30 - Teaching on ahamkara, function of ego, how the mind can turn into your enemy
    30:00 - 51:45 ...

  • Live Meditation 2/25/24

    Live Yoga Nidra from Soulshine Bali - This is a practice typically done laying down, in full relaxation!

    It's a powerful, guided practice to sink a sankalpa, or powerful affirmation, deep in your consciousness where it can bear fruit.

    Audio-only version:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 1/28/24

    Includes a refresher on what meditation is, what to expect, how to work with what arises and emphasizes the significance of the balance between effort + ease or sthira + sukha. Intro may be helpful for beginners to meditation. Short movement session into a guided meditation with short periods of ...

  • Live Movement + Meditation - Winter Solstice - 12/21/23

    Live Movement + Meditation - Winter Solstice - 12/21/23. Simple seated sequence focusing on hip and spine mobility followed by a guided meditation in support of this month's theme of Self-Study or Svadhyaya via awareness of space, body, breath and thoughts.

    Intro: Start - 3:30
    Movement: 3:30 - 3...

  • Live Movement & Meditation 11/19/23

    A short, mellow movement session, a short tapping practice and meditation on gratitude!

    Tapping points:

    Audio-only of this session:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 10/15/23

    Live Movement + Meditation 10/15/23

    We start with some simple, gentle stretches then shift into seated meditation beginning with a body scan and focus on breath and connection to past suffering and joy. The only constant is change and when something is changing, there is always POTENTIAL. Even ...

  • Live Meditation + Movement 9/17/23

    Mellow movement and stretch before a guided meditation on the 5 Layers of Being or the Pancha Koshas to support your capacity for focus (DHARANA) and presence.

    Audio only:

    0:00-5:00 - Greetings and context
    5:00-25:00 - Mellow mov...

  • Live Meditation 8/20/23

    Live Meditation 8/20/23 - Karuna / Compassion

    A guided meditation to evoke compassion and a sincere wish for yourself and others to be free of any pain, hurt and sorrow.

    0:00-10:00 - Greeting and context for meditation
    10:00-35:00 - Meditation
    35:00-End - Soul Circle

    Audio only meditation with...

  • Live Meditation 7/23/23

    Live Meditation 7/23/23 - July focus is on Energy Management - a visualization-based guided meditation that takes you on a journey to support your ability to manage your life force (including energy and time) in alignment with your values and your best life.

    Audio only:

  • Live Meditation 6/18/23

    For our June 2023 focus of BLOOM, we explore a chakra-based visualization meditation, with a focus on each individual chakra and it's qualities as well as a energy movement meditation culminating in the thousand-petaled lotus of your crown in full bloom.

    Explore which chakras you felt it was ea...

  • Live Meditation 5/28/23

    To wrap up this month's theme of Roots + Grounding, a combination asana, breathwork and meditation session focused on what supports you in aligning with your true Self, your truth and your gifts.

    Audio only:

    Time stamps:


  • Live Meditation 4/30/23

    Live Meditation 4/30/23 on April's focus on perseverance or tapas. Combines breathwork and inner flame visualization to re-ignite and burn off.

    Audio only:

    Time stamps:
    0:00 gentle stretching
    1:30 prep + context

  • Live Meditation 3/26/23

    Live Meditation 3/26/23 with Gina on March 2023 theme Self-Compassion - includes a few minutes of mindful movement, a couple minutes of breathwork and a guided meditation on self-compassion and loving kindness.

    Downloadable audio only file of just the meditation: