Live Meditation Replays

Live Meditation Replays

Live Meditations in The Yoga Potluck

Live Meditation Replays
  • Live Movement & Meditation 8/25/24

    Live guided Movement & Meditation on Auspiciousness - cultivate the qualities of devotion, empathy, equanimity, truth, acceptance, compassion and gratitude.

    Subtitles available and audio-only version of the meditation is here:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 7/28/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 7/28/24 on WONDER. We begin with some context for the sit, go into about 12 minutes of gentle movement to prepare to sit and then a 20 minute guided meditation with prompts to elicit a connection with WONDER in your life.

    Time stamps:

    0:00-6:15 - Context
    6:15-18:00 - ...

  • Live Meditation 6/23/24 - Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior

    A short, gentle movement practice sets the stage for acknowledging and caring for your inner warrior. We explore two ways we express our warrior vigor - in crisis and in personal evolution. Our warrior is always within, but not an unlimited resource. Self-care, discernment and boundaries are esse...

  • Live Movement + Meditation 5/19/24 - Maitri

    Live Movement + Meditation 5/19/24 - Maitri Meditation - Loving Kindness

    A little movement practice to support your mobility (every day my friends, a little bit every day goes a long way!) followed by a classic meditation: Maitri Meditation. We generate loving kindness in rounds beginning with o...

  • Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind 2 - Embrace All Your Parts

    0-1:30 Intro to Session
    1:30-17:30 Stretch
    17:30-23:50 Intro to Meditation
    23:50-53:00 Guided Meditation
    53:00-End Soul Circle

    In this guided meditation, I continue the teaching on Maya or Illusion and t...

  • Live Movement + Meditation 3/24/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind

    Live Movement + Meditation 3/24/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind - A Self-Compassion Guided Meditation + continued discussion

    Time stamps:

    0:000-1:40 - Opening
    1:40-13:45 - Mindful movement
    13:45-29:30 - Teaching on ahamkara, function of ego, how the mind can turn into your enemy
    30:00 - 51:45 ...

  • Live Meditation 2/25/24

    Live Yoga Nidra from Soulshine Bali - This is a practice typically done laying down, in full relaxation!

    It's a powerful, guided practice to sink a sankalpa, or powerful affirmation, deep in your consciousness where it can bear fruit.

    Audio-only version:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 1/28/24

    Includes a refresher on what meditation is, what to expect, how to work with what arises and emphasizes the significance of the balance between effort + ease or sthira + sukha. Intro may be helpful for beginners to meditation. Short movement session into a guided meditation with short periods of ...

  • Live Movement + Meditation - Winter Solstice - 12/21/23

    Live Movement + Meditation - Winter Solstice - 12/21/23. Simple seated sequence focusing on hip and spine mobility followed by a guided meditation in support of this month's theme of Self-Study or Svadhyaya via awareness of space, body, breath and thoughts.

    Intro: Start - 3:30
    Movement: 3:30 - 3...

  • Live Movement & Meditation 11/19/23

    A short, mellow movement session, a short tapping practice and meditation on gratitude!

    Tapping points:

    Audio-only of this session:

  • Live Movement + Meditation 10/15/23

    Live Movement + Meditation 10/15/23

    We start with some simple, gentle stretches then shift into seated meditation beginning with a body scan and focus on breath and connection to past suffering and joy. The only constant is change and when something is changing, there is always POTENTIAL. Even ...

  • Live Meditation + Movement 9/17/23

    Mellow movement and stretch before a guided meditation on the 5 Layers of Being or the Pancha Koshas to support your capacity for focus (DHARANA) and presence.

    Audio only:

    0:00-5:00 - Greetings and context
    5:00-25:00 - Mellow mov...

  • Live Meditation 8/20/23

    Live Meditation 8/20/23 - Karuna / Compassion

    A guided meditation to evoke compassion and a sincere wish for yourself and others to be free of any pain, hurt and sorrow.

    0:00-10:00 - Greeting and context for meditation
    10:00-35:00 - Meditation
    35:00-End - Soul Circle

    Audio only meditation with...

  • Live Meditation 7/23/23

    Live Meditation 7/23/23 - July focus is on Energy Management - a visualization-based guided meditation that takes you on a journey to support your ability to manage your life force (including energy and time) in alignment with your values and your best life.

    Audio only:

  • Live Meditation 6/18/23

    For our June 2023 focus of BLOOM, we explore a chakra-based visualization meditation, with a focus on each individual chakra and it's qualities as well as a energy movement meditation culminating in the thousand-petaled lotus of your crown in full bloom.

    Explore which chakras you felt it was ea...

  • Live Meditation 5/28/23

    To wrap up this month's theme of Roots + Grounding, a combination asana, breathwork and meditation session focused on what supports you in aligning with your true Self, your truth and your gifts.

    Audio only:

    Time stamps:


  • Live Meditation 4/30/23

    Live Meditation 4/30/23 on April's focus on perseverance or tapas. Combines breathwork and inner flame visualization to re-ignite and burn off.

    Audio only:

    Time stamps:
    0:00 gentle stretching
    1:30 prep + context

  • Live Meditation 3/26/23

    Live Meditation 3/26/23 with Gina on March 2023 theme Self-Compassion - includes a few minutes of mindful movement, a couple minutes of breathwork and a guided meditation on self-compassion and loving kindness.

    Downloadable audio only file of just the meditation:

  • Live Meditation 1/29/23

    A pranayama (breathwork) based meditation with 2 simple prana chants.

    Welcome, context + teaching 0:00-5:00
    Options + instructions 5:00-11:00
    Meditation 1 11:00-19:00
    Meditation 2 23:00-29:00
    Community Soul Circle 29:00 - End

    Audio only (MP3):

  • Live Meditation 12/18/22

    Live Meditation - December 2022 - REFLECTION

    0:00 Greetings & Teachings
    16:50 Meditation begins
    37:00 Community time & sharing

    Audio only:

    Over time, we cumulatively learn more about our mind’s patterns and tendencies AND gain ...

  • Live Meditation 11/27/22

    Live Meditation 11/27/22 on SANTOSHA, contentment, accepting what arises without resistance.

    0:00 - 5:50 Intro and context
    5:50 - 19:40 Meditation
    19:40 - end Sharing and insights


  • Live Meditation 10/30/22 - Yoga Nidra from Bali

    Live Meditation 10/30/22 - Yoga Nidra for Working With Fear. In this special edition Yoga Nidra, we apply the power of a nidra practice to working skillfully with feelings of fear, however they may manifest themselves and in remembering the power of our courageous, loving hearts.

    The actual medi...

  • Live Meditation 9/25/22

    Live Meditation 9/25/22 - Harvest - A yoga nidra inspired guided harvest reflection followed by a few minutes of silent sitting for you to make it your own.

  • Live Meditation - Yoga Nidra - 8/28/22

    Live Meditation - Yoga Nidra - 8/28/22 - a Nature focused guided meditation to sink a sankalpa deep within your consciousness.