Live Asana Class Replays

Live Asana Class Replays

Live Asana (Physical Yoga) Practices on Zoom

Live Asana Class Replays
  • Live Asana 2/12/23

    Live Asana 2/12/23 - Ritual practice with a quiet opening, a cycle of Namaskars with prostrations, a little spicy core, standing poses and a quiet finish with hip forward bends and a gentle inversion with options.

  • Live Asana 1/15/23

    Live Asana 1/15/23 - A flowing, progressive practice. A great practice for exploring movement within postures, the synchronicity of breath and body and generally coloring outside the lines a bit to support your creative impulses! Context first and the practice begins around 6 minutes.

  • Live Asana - Winter Solstice 2021

    Live Asana - Winter Solstice 2021 - Downtempo but still luminous. Hip openers that celebrate your inner light.

  • Live Asana 12/11/22

    Live Asana 12/11/22 - Reflection or Svadhyaya - A SolaLuna practice that is both spicy and sweet. It intends to support the strength and courage needed for self-reflection as well as the receptivity and ease to foster growth. Twists, turning inward, hamstring and hip flexor stretches galore.

  • Live Asana from Bali 11/4/22

    Live Asana from Bali 11/4/22 - so fun to share with you a little glimpse outside my window here at Soulshine Bali. While the video quality and lighting isn't up to my usual standards in my home studio, the same love is still there! This is a crow pose class that is easily down-shifted into a hip ...

  • Live Asana 10/8/22 - From Bali!

    Live Asana 10/8/22 - From Bali! A grounding, reverential practice to reflect the beauty of this land and these beautiful people.

  • BONUS Live Asana - 9/22/22

    BONUS Live Asana - 9/22/22 - Autumnal Equinox - A SolaLuna practice to celebrate both the light and the darkness, the union (yoga) of polarities and the power of both!

  • September 2022 Live Asana

    September 2022 Live Asana - HARVEST - Grounded backbends

  • Live Asana 8/7/22

    Live Asana 8/7/22 - Wholeness - Solaluna practice

  • Live Asana 7/10/22

    A summertime flow that encourages finding more ease with the unknown!

    Some fun transitions, a little play with balance, just the right amount of spice and always grounding and steadiness!

  • Live Asana & Meditation - Summer Solstice 2022

    Live Asana & Meditation - Summer Solstice 2022 - Shine your love light! Stoke your heart's fire! This heart-centered practice and meditation will start the season off right and bright!

  • Live Asana 6/5/22

    Live Asana 6/5/22 - Our June 2022 Mindfulness Theme is NOURISHMENT. We focus on how we nourish ourselves on the levels of body, mind and spirit and this practice aims to support all 3. Enjoy!

  • Live Asana 5/1/22

    To embody our mindfulness theme of GROWTH this month, this steady strength practice with a focus on growth edges and flow state supports our own hatching of new ideas, creations, perspectives and manifestations of the growth we wish to experience in this one wild and precious life! Inspired by sp...

  • Live Asana 4/3/22

    A spritely, Spring practice with just the right amount of fire to light you up.

  • Bonus Live Asana - Spring Equinox 2022

    Bonus Live Asana - Spring Equinox 2022 - heart openers and planting seeds for a new season!

  • Live Asana 3/6/22

    Live Asana 3/6/22 - March 2022 Theme - Creativity
    A creative flow with mandala namaskar and a creative peak pose - baby hopper!

  • Live Asana 2/6/22

    Live Asana 2/6/22 - Februrary 2022 Theme: Self-Love - A heart-centered and creative practice. Light hearted and engaging!

  • Live Asana - 1/16/22

    Live Asana practice with focus on slow strength & power for resilience

  • Live Asana 12/05/21

    Live Asana 12/05/21 - a creative, SolaLuna practice

  • Bonus Live Asana - 11/25/21

    An embodied celebration of gratitude, both giving and receiving it. Water element practice. Honoring the land, the water, the sky, all living things and the original stewards of the land we now call home.

    Starts with context for the sequencing.
    Gratitude meditation starts around 5:00.
    Asana star...

  • Live Asana 11/14/21

    Gratitude Flow - Heart openers and front-of-hip openers in celebration of the moments that move us and that change us. We commit to staying open to those moments and the beauty of the world, we are grateful for how the Universe is always giving us opportunities that enrich our lives.

    If you've a...

  • Live Asana 10/10/21 ~ Natural Mystic

    Live Asana 10/10/21 ~ Natural Mystic - World Mental Health Day felt like the perfect day to celebrate integration so we integrated our whole selves through the lens of the natural elements and an embodied exploration of the energies of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space!

  • Live Asana - 9/22/21 - Fall Equinox (BONUS)

    Live Asana - 9/22/21 - Fall Equinox (BONUS)
    A ritual practice of mandalas in honor of our wholeness and the presence of both light and shadow within us. A practice of gratitude for what this life and people in it have taught us.

  • Live Asana - 9/5/21 - PLAYbor Day Weekend Practice

    A playful attitude towards effort goes a long way. Fun peak pose and a classically sequenced Integrated Vinyasa Practice! 10 minute context and intro - movement practice begins around the 10:00 mark!