Live Asana 12/15/24 ~ MATI ~ Self-Reflection
Live Asana 12/15/24 ~ MATI ~ Self-Reflection ~ Turning your attention inward towards Self with Eagle inspired postures, balance work, forward bends and hip mobility enhancers.
Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh's quote "Your body needs you, your feelings need you, your perceptions need you. The wounded child in you needs you. Your suffering needs you to listen and acknowledge it. Go home and be there for all these things."
Playlist for your replay:
Up Next in Hips+Legs+Feet
Live Asana - 11/10/24 - Grounding
Live Asana 11/10/24 A grounding practice from New Zealand
Lots of technical difficulties but we finally made it happen using my phone and cellular so please excuse both the blurred background and the lack of music for this one.
Includes breathwork, kriya (purification), opportunities to dischar...
This practice is full-spectrum and supports the activation of your life force so it’s great for when you’re feeling a little stagnant or sluggish and you want to stir things up!
It’s a flow practice with elements of core strengthening, upper body strengthening and even multiple hip openers to le...
This practice highlights SAMANA VAYU, or the energy that flows from outer self to inner self, a gathering in of energy if you will
We’ll start with a grounded simple flow that leads to a creative, midline energy specific sequence into some supportive hip openers.
You might like to have a block ...