Grounding Practices

Grounding Practices

For May 2023 our theme is Roots + Grounding, this is a curated collection of practices of varying durations and styles that may support you in grounding yourself and rooting yourself in your Truth.

Grounding Practices
  • Mindful Mobility 2

    Mindful Mobility 2, like its predecessor Mindful Mobility, emphasizes mindful movement at our joints with a combination of muscle STRENGTH and STRETCH.

    One great reason to explore practices like these is to identify the activations and movements we may NOT do much of, based on the sensations we ...

  • Quench - Find Fluidity

    Have you ever thirsted for that flow state when your body's fluid power and intelligence take over and we cease micro-managing everything with our minds?

    If you know what I mean, this practice is for you. From start to finish we synchronize breath and movement into, out of and within postures as...

  • Post-Workout Recovery

    This efficient post-workout home practice is informed both by human anatomy AND the energy systems of yoga.

    We'll move through the major muscle groups, all the while cultivating an energy that balances that of your workout.

    While this is created with a workout you've done in mind, it's also per...

  • Low Back Love

    At one time or another, just about everyone has experienced low back pain due to overuse, underuse, strain or stress.

    I created this home practice to support you in gently moving your spine in every direction, to stretch and strengthen the muscles that do that and to bring awareness to abdominal...

  • Transmute ~ Working With Anger

    I'm not a fan of pretending we always experience love and light! Our shadow side is an amazing teacher, if we learn how to work with it skillfully. In this case, anger is something we all experience from time to time and a natural part of being human. When we try to suppress it, deny it or hide i...

  • Neck & Shoulders: Tension Relief

    Two of the most common tension areas are your neck and your shoulders.

    But relieving the tension doesn't work so well when we try to force it out. If our bodies feel under attack, they'll lock down even more.

    nstead, this practice involves fluid, mindful movement through your entire range of mo...

  • Decompress

    Decompression is the relief of high pressure. I created this home practice for anyone who is feeling like they've been steadily working with high pressure that's coming from any number of sources.

    The practice begins with slow flow to help you move the impact of high pressure through and out you...

  • Wring It Out

    In those times when we just feel FULL of emotions, of responsibilities, of ideas, of stress, nothing satisfies quite like a deep twisting practice to holistically wring yourself out.

    This active yet methodically paced home practice combines stretching your side body with lots of different twists...

  • Mindful Mobility

    Yoga practitioners focus a lot on flexibility, which is a muscle's ability to passively lengthen. This practice, however, focuses on MOBILITY, which is the ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion and that movement is enabled by muscles that are both strong AND flexible.


  • Quick Calm ~ A Yin Short

    Most Yin practices are long and meant to be savored over time. But once in awhile, we need a quick downshift from Yang or active energy into Yin or receptive energy.

    This home practice includes a posture for each quadrant of your hips and emphasizes the movement of energy downward for a quick do...

  • Immunity Boost

    There are a lot of ways we can support our immunity like rest, hydration and keeping our stress levels down. Another way is to support the movement of lymph, which collects and clears away toxins in our bodies.

    This practice focuses on movement at the main lymph node sites - throat, armpits, gro...

  • Side Body Supreme

    Stretching your side body is supremely satisfying.

    Stretching our side bodies impacts our posture, our mood and the movement of lymph through one of the major sites in our bodies. In addition, our side bodies are the sides of our "breathing department" and can impact our ability to breathe deepl...

  • YINside

    This contemplative Yin Yoga practice serves the dual purposes of tractioning all 4 quadrants of your physical hips, front, inner, back and outer AND in drawing your awareness towards your inner landscape to foster quietude within.

    Suggested props: 2 blocks or large books and a blanket or towel


  • The HIPness

    Lots of different muscles and other tissues work together in support of our hips moving in all the ways they do.

    This Integrated Vinyasa practice aims to address every single one!

    Besides the anatomical benefits of maintaining healthy range of motion, hip-centric classes like this can also be s...

  • Nightcap ~ Yoga Before Bed

    Getting good sleep is essential for your health and wellbeing. But sometimes, an excellent night of zzzzzzs feels out of reach.

    This practice is meant to be done next to your bed. It includes simple movements in every direction to discharge your excess energy, a couple in-bed postures and a guid...

  • Moonrise ~ Lunar Slow Flow

    This Integrated Vinyasa home practice has a downtempo energy meant to support you in activating your relaxation response through slow, rhythmic movement, mindful transitions and grounding hip openers.

    Take your time and savor this downshift.

    Suggested props: If you have 2 yoga blocks or big boo...

  • Pump The Brakes

    You ever have one of those days where you feel like you're just about to lose it?

    This home practice was made for those times, its meant to help you PUMP THE BRAKES.

    It includes grounding standing poses, movements to discharge stress energy, soothing hip openers and even a short breathing prac...

  • Steady As She Goes

  • Stay Grounded Stay Open

    This Integrated Vinyasa practice is a sweet combo of hip openers and heart openers to support feeling steady, stable and grounded without losing your sense of open-heartedness and receptivity.So helpful in stressful times when we start to shut down.

    Suggested prop is a bolster or folded blanket ...