Grounding Practices

Grounding Practices

For May 2023 our theme is Roots + Grounding, this is a curated collection of practices of varying durations and styles that may support you in grounding yourself and rooting yourself in your Truth.

Grounding Practices
  • Embrace

    Embrace is a practice that liberates your heart center, frees your shoulders and even releases your hips. We start with a tension relieving sequencing to help you truly embrace the moment.

    It’s an embodied practice of self-love to remember and honor who you are, just as you are.

  • Top You Up

    This class is inspired by that phrase servers often say with regards to your beverages – "Can I top you up?"

    Topping up is replenishing and restoring to the highest level and this class intends to support you in energetically getting back to a place of fullness.

    It’s slow and low to the ground ...

  • Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 11/24/24 - Grounding ~ Apana Vayu with guest teacher Tracey Garcia. Glorious, simple, grounding movement followed by a beautiful nature-based visualization meditation.

    Time stamps:
    Opening: 0:00 - 4:45
    Movement: 4:45 - 31:00
    Meditation: 31:00-52:00
    Closing: 52:00-53:35...

  • Live Asana - 11/10/24 - Grounding

    Live Asana 11/10/24 A grounding practice from New Zealand

    Lots of technical difficulties but we finally made it happen using my phone and cellular so please excuse both the blurred background and the lack of music for this one.

    Includes breathwork, kriya (purification), opportunities to dischar...

  • Chillax

    A sweet, low to the ground practice to help you wind down and give a little gratitude to your body.

    We explore all 4 movements of your spine and hip stretches to give you a chance to discharge any stress from the day and to leave you feeling absolutely chill.

    You might like to have a block for ...

  • Regulate

    Enjoy a sweet return to nervous system homeostasis.

    Life often has us amped up, pedal to the metal and gentle, mellow practices like this help us tap the brakes and return to that perfect balance.

    Simple and sweet wind-down practice to regulate your nervous system and return to balance.

  • Recuperate

    This nourishing practice focuses on three main areas for a full spectrum recuperation and rest after any kind of activity.

    We start with a focus on shoulders, then spine, then bring it home with hips.

    And the whole thing has a mellow vibe for the downshift you need.

  • Heavenly Hips

    Whether it’s caused by our stress holding patterns, activities or good ole aging, sometimes our hips feel tight and creaky, especially that elusive outer hip including your gluteus medius, minimus, tensor fascia lata and IT band.

    In this practice we’ll take a slow journey into some much needed s...

  • Surrender

    Some days we just need to surrender the cognitive and emotional load we’re carrying and this practice can help.

    It’s a short Yin style practice that emphasizes nervous system downregulation, breath awareness and dropping into a state of calm.

    You will need either a bolster or a rolled up blanke...

  • Dial It Back

    When stress is rising, sometimes you just need to simplify, ground yourself and dial things back.

    This low to the ground practice keeps things simple but thorough so you can restore balance to your nervous system.

  • Gathering

    This practice highlights SAMANA VAYU, or the energy that flows from outer self to inner self, a gathering in of energy if you will

    We’ll start with a grounded simple flow that leads to a creative, midline energy specific sequence into some supportive hip openers.

    You might like to have a block ...

  • Slow Down Restorative

    Grab your pillows and blankets, this deeply relaxing restorative yoga practice will help take you from NO CHILL to GLORIOUSLY STILL.

    If you have yoga bolsters, blankets and blocks, you’ll want to use them and if you don’t, bed pillows, throw pillows and blankets or beach towels will absolutely w...

  • Replenish

    This practice emphasizes simplicity along with hip stretches and forward bends to support a downshifting of your nervous system to replenish you and sustain your capacity for action.

    We’ll end this practice with a few potent affirmations to help you feel grounded and safe.

    You might like to hav...

  • Bless Up

    Bless Up is an opportunity to ground yourself in gratitude, to connect with our many blessings, even when life feels hard.

    This practice is mostly low to the ground with emphasis on the four quadrants of your hips.

    It culminates with some full-spectrum gratitude affirmations and a blissful sava...

  • Renewal

    Renewing ourselves calls for emptying out internal clutter to make space for what we value most.

    This quiet practice emphasizes groundedness in hip openers and twists, breathwork and deep stretches to release the dead weight and open us up to what’s possible.

  • Live Asana 5/14/23

    Live LunaRest Restorative Yoga with Tracey Garcia on 5/14/23 (Mother's Day)

    Enjoy this sublime and restful meditative practice. If you have them, you might want:
    - a bolster (or a pillowcase with two pillows stuffed inside)
    - 2 blankets or beach towels
    - 2 blocks or big books
    - a pillow
    - an e...

  • Down A Notch

    Some days it feels impossible to THINK ourselves into chill.

    Down A Notch is a hip centric practice that emphasizes APANA or downward moving energy to get you into that state of ease that you’re craving.

    We’ll be sure to touch all 4 quadrants of your hips and prioritize slow, deep breaths to do...

  • Knot Comes Loose

    Inspired by the title of one of my favorite songs, Knot Comes Loose is a slow, deep stretch practice to unwind and release the effects of chronic stress and tension.

    We’ll lovingly explore some of the most common places for tension knots like chest, shoulders and necks, hips and back and even yo...

  • Returning

    This practice is full of spinal twists to support a wringing out of what is no longer in alignment with your values and a return to your true self.

    This journey follows the pattern of a wave, beginning low and slow, rises to a crest and then returns to a restful trough.

  • Integration

    This practice supports taking a pause to integrate what’s been going on in your life lately.

    It gives you a chance to digest recent experiences and process them through a methodical pace, mindful breathing and hip openers of all 4 quadrants of your hips.

    May it be of benefit, especially during...

  • Cool Down

    Whether it’s after a training session or it’s just HOT outside, this practice will support you in cooling down your entire body-mind complex.

    We’ll move slowly with deep stretches and focus on forward bends and hip openers to pacify both your physical and energetic heat.

    And we’ll finish of wit...

  • Yoga For A Busy Day

    On our busiest days, often the first things to go are the self-care practices that ground us.

    We might think, “I don’t have time today”

    That’s why I think it’s essential to have some shorter practices to keep you committed and consistent.

    This practice is that, short but still complete with j...

  • Earthly Delight

    This practice is an embodied ode to our glorious planet Earth.

    We’ll move through a story of postures that invoke reverence, delight, care and celebration.

    It’s an opportunity to celebrate being a part of life on Earth and in your earthly body!

    And I’ll close the practice with a special offeri...

  • Yoga For Emotional Overload

    This antidote to emotional overload embraces simplicity, breathwork, evidence-based techniques and downward-energy movements and postures to support your return to feeling, focused, safe and centered.

    We’ll tap into the power of movement to support an emotional shift.

    And we keep it simple to s...