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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People

Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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  • Live Meditation 1/26/25 ~ Flow State

    This kicks off with a short talk with examples on Flow State challenges, a reminder that our community is a refuge in challenging times, some gentle stretches to discharge stress and tension and then a guided meditation that starts with a body scan, then breath awareness, then focus on Flow State...

  • Enliven

    This practice is full-spectrum and supports the activation of your life force so it’s great for when you’re feeling a little stagnant or sluggish and you want to stir things up!

    It’s a flow practice with elements of core strengthening, upper body strengthening and even multiple hip openers to le...

  • Gathering

    This practice highlights SAMANA VAYU, or the energy that flows from outer self to inner self, a gathering in of energy if you will

    We’ll start with a grounded simple flow that leads to a creative, midline energy specific sequence into some supportive hip openers.

    You might like to have a block ...