This class is inspired by that phrase servers often say with regards to your beverages – "Can I top you up?"
Topping up is replenishing and restoring to the highest level and this class intends to support you in energetically getting back to a place of fullness.
It’s slow and low to the ground with both hip and heart openers.
You might like to have a blanket to pad your knees for this practice.
Up Next in New Releases
Live Meditation 1/26/25 ~ Flow State
This kicks off with a short talk with examples on Flow State challenges, a reminder that our community is a refuge in challenging times, some gentle stretches to discharge stress and tension and then a guided meditation that starts with a body scan, then breath awareness, then focus on Flow State...
This practice is full-spectrum and supports the activation of your life force so it’s great for when you’re feeling a little stagnant or sluggish and you want to stir things up!
It’s a flow practice with elements of core strengthening, upper body strengthening and even multiple hip openers to le...
This practice highlights SAMANA VAYU, or the energy that flows from outer self to inner self, a gathering in of energy if you will
We’ll start with a grounded simple flow that leads to a creative, midline energy specific sequence into some supportive hip openers.
You might like to have a block ...