Live Satsang 2/2/25 - Vishāda - Working Skillfully with Emotional Overwhelm
Vishāda is the Sanskrit word for despair, dejection or emotional overwhelm to the point of paralysis or collapse. (please note, spelling of Sanskrit words in the auto-captions is almost always incorrect)
In this Satsang, I offer teachings from both the Yoga and Buddhist traditions. Both offer pathways through Vishāda – not by escaping it or sugar coating it, but by transforming our relationship with it.
Part 1: Symptoms of Vishāda and how it arises
Part 2: Working with Vishāda with Yoga + Buddhist Wisdom
1. Awareness Practices
2. Breathwork
3. Movement
4. Mantra / Inquiry
Part 3: Working with Vishāda with tips from mental health professionals and communication tools including
1. Resistbot -
2. 5 Calls -
I also shared a book on the Kleshas, the root causes of our suffering, according to the Yoga Sutras. This one is my favorite on the topic:
Time Stamps:
0:00-2:55 – Grounding and centering
2:55-12:40 – Welcome and intro
12:40-62:00 – Teaching on Vishāda
62:00-End – Soul Circle
Audio-only version:
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