

These home practices emphasize strength, stretch or mobility in entire spine, including your cervical spine, your neck. While these home practices also include movements and postures that touch other areas of your body, they accentuate our ability to articulate through our spines and find reliable ways to strengthen the muscles that move our spines as well as stretch those muscles to release tension and holding patterns.

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  • Invincible

    This Integrated Vinyasa home practice is inspired by the Hindu deity Durga, whose name means INVINCIBLE

    Her mythology is that she faces the impossible battle, one she's unlikely to win because nobody has succeeded before her. But in the heat of it, she finds an inner well of power to triumph.


  • Mindful Mobility

    Yoga practitioners focus a lot on flexibility, which is a muscle's ability to passively lengthen. This practice, however, focuses on MOBILITY, which is the ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion and that movement is enabled by muscles that are both strong AND flexible.


  • Mindful Mobility 2

    Mindful Mobility 2, like its predecessor Mindful Mobility, emphasizes mindful movement at our joints with a combination of muscle STRENGTH and STRETCH.

    One great reason to explore practices like these is to identify the activations and movements we may NOT do much of, based on the sensations we ...

  • Mood Lifter

    You never know when your inner spark is going to rekindle someone else's light.

    This accessible Integrated Vinyasa practice includes simple, rhythmic flows and grounded heart openers that support you in tending your own heart fire and elevating your mood to blaze brightly in the world.

  • Mornin' Starshine

    Sometimes we feel our get up and go has gone up and went. I created this Integrated Vinyasa practice by request for a simple, morning friendly practice on days where you just don't feel motivated.

    While it can be practiced any time of day, I took special care to include bent-knee and wide leg fo...

  • Neck & Shoulders: Tension Relief

    Two of the most common tension areas are your neck and your shoulders.

    But relieving the tension doesn't work so well when we try to force it out. If our bodies feel under attack, they'll lock down even more.

    nstead, this practice involves fluid, mindful movement through your entire range of mo...

  • Nightcap ~ Yoga Before Bed

    Getting good sleep is essential for your health and wellbeing. But sometimes, an excellent night of zzzzzzs feels out of reach.

    This practice is meant to be done next to your bed. It includes simple movements in every direction to discharge your excess energy, a couple in-bed postures and a guid...

  • Side Body Supreme

    Stretching your side body is supremely satisfying.

    Stretching our side bodies impacts our posture, our mood and the movement of lymph through one of the major sites in our bodies. In addition, our side bodies are the sides of our "breathing department" and can impact our ability to breathe deepl...

  • Stay Grounded Stay Open

    This Integrated Vinyasa practice is a sweet combo of hip openers and heart openers to support feeling steady, stable and grounded without losing your sense of open-heartedness and receptivity.So helpful in stressful times when we start to shut down.

    Suggested prop is a bolster or folded blanket ...

  • Transmute ~ Working With Anger

    I'm not a fan of pretending we always experience love and light! Our shadow side is an amazing teacher, if we learn how to work with it skillfully. In this case, anger is something we all experience from time to time and a natural part of being human. When we try to suppress it, deny it or hide i...

  • Wring It Out

    In those times when we just feel FULL of emotions, of responsibilities, of ideas, of stress, nothing satisfies quite like a deep twisting practice to holistically wring yourself out.

    This active yet methodically paced home practice combines stretching your side body with lots of different twists...