

These home practices emphasize strength, stretch or mobility in entire spine, including your cervical spine, your neck. While these home practices also include movements and postures that touch other areas of your body, they accentuate our ability to articulate through our spines and find reliable ways to strengthen the muscles that move our spines as well as stretch those muscles to release tension and holding patterns.

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  • First Light

    This is what I’d call a low-key fire element practice. Not blazing, but more like the sun just rising or just about to set.

    The energy and activation are there in the form of twists and expansive postures but it’s tempered by a feeling of calm and groundedness.

    This is a great practice to get ...

  • Fresh Air

    This practice is like stepping out for a breath of fresh air.

    It supports you in activating your life force and reinvigorating yourself.

    I included expansive movements within poses, just the right amount of flow and simple heart openers to lift you up.

  • Shoulder Mobility

    Healthy shoulder mobility requires BOTH strong and flexible shoulder muscles.

    This practice weaves both movements that are strength building and that encourage more extensibility throughout.

    If you hold tension in your shoulders or want to keep this tricky joint as healthy as possible, this one...

  • Uplift

    What the body does, the mind follows and what the mind does, the body follows.

    This truth means one way to hack your mood is to move your body in the ways that are more in alignment with how you want to feel.

    Uplift is a practice to elevate your spirits with side openers and heart openers with ...

  • Twist of Fate

    A twist of fate is an unexpected change in circumstances and often our Yoga practice provides just that, a shift.

    This practice uses twists of all sorts to shift your perspective and wring out any stagnancy or stuck thoughts and emotions. There's an option for a twisted arm balance and alternati...

  • A New Dawn

    This practice supports any new beginning and an alignment with the energies of activation and expansion into possibility!

    A standing flow culminates in an accessible backbend before grounding down into a hip opener that inspires steadiness.

    Now is your time!

    You might like to have a block for ...

  • Love Train

    Sometimes you need to take the express route to feeling more open, loving and compassionate!

    Rather than try to think yourself there, might as well make it a whole being effort!

    This heart centered practice includes side and heart openers and some grounded backbends to get you back on track.

  • Resolve

    Resolve is a firm determination to do something with intention. Often, it’s our regressive patterns of thinking and acting that get in our way.

    This practice includes lots of revolution – twists of your entire spine – to emulate the wringing out of the old and making space for absorbing the new....

  • Wonder

    Wonder is a quality we often associate more with childhood than adulthood. And yet, a strong sense of wonder ensures a life full of curiosity and openness to possibility.

    This practice aims to support wonder in your life through embodiment: flow, heart openers and the joy in savoring the after e...

  • Inner Light

    This is a practice of both celebrating and re-dedicating yourself to your inner light. Both stoking the flames and knowing when to take the rest that sustains your capacity for your heart’s brilliance.

    Steady standing pose flows and accessible backbends are like polishing the lens through which ...

  • Purify

    To purify is to ceremonially cleanse and in this practice we engage our entire body-mind-spirit conscious complex to extract that which contaminates us and clouds our true nature.

    Through twists, flow, core work and rest we’ll support the moving through of that which only weighs us down and emer...

  • Glow Up

    I’ve always believed in the power of using your body to support a desired positive mindset. Its power is one of the reasons movement is recommended to combat feelings of stuckness, emotional heaviness or depression.

    Glow Up is just that, a practice of embodying brightness, lightness and luminos...

  • Low Back Express

    A healthy, high-functioning lower back requires a lot of attention and care. Our backs, especially our lower backs, are major workhorses!

    The more we ask of them, the more we need to give back to them!

    This express practice includes both low back and side body stretches and strengthening movem...

  • Up And At 'Em

    Up And At ‘Em is an invigorating practice that sets the stage for a focused and open day.

    We start things off on the right foot with gratitude and open-heartedness and synch breath to movement to infuse our entire beings with positive vitality,

    It’s a heart-centered flow that doesn’t neglect po...

  • Got Your Back

    Fun fact: The muscles of your BACK body propel you forward. So physically, it makes sense to keep your posterior chain of muscles as strong as they are flexible.

    Metaphorically speaking, what is BEHIND you can propel you forward in life when you draw strength from the wisdom you earned from your...

  • Day Maker

    This practice was inspired by the idea of getting up on the RIGHT side of the bed. You can do it first thing in the morning but really you could do this practice any time you need a do-over and want to shift the energy of your day.

    It includes a couple grounded backbends that ask you to find sta...

  • Balanced Energy

    Sometimes you need to rev up to balance yourself. Sometimes you need to downshift to balance yourself. And sometimes, you need to maintain the balance you’ve got!

    This is one of my SolaLuna practices that is a balanced blend of solar, or active energy and lunar, or receptive energy. We start out...

  • All In A Day's Work ~ Evening

    These 3 short home practices were designed to support you throughout the day.The first practice is sensitive to your body and mind's needs in the morning before you get rolling.The second practice can be a mid-day pause at home or at work to hit the reset button.And the third practice supports de...

  • All In A Day's Work ~ Midday

    These 3 short home practices were designed to support you throughout the day.The first practice is sensitive to your body and mind's needs in the morning before you get rolling.The second practice can be a mid-day pause at home or at work to hit the reset button.And the third practice supports de...

  • All In A Day's Work ~ Morning

    These 3 short home practices were designed to support you throughout the day.The first practice is sensitive to your body and mind's needs in the morning before you get rolling.The second practice can be a mid-day pause at home or at work to hit the reset button.And the third practice supports de...

  • All Inclusive

    This Integrated Vinyasa short practice has a little bit of all the good stuff for when you're long on commitment but short on time.

    Standing poses, simple backbends, hip openers and that post practice bliss. I got you!

  • Come Into Focus

    From early on in practicing Yoga, I realized the most effective postures for cultivating focus were the ones that challenged it the MOST: balance poses.While you can pretty easily tune out in triangle or pigeon pose, it's a lot harder to daydream in balance poses.I crafted this home practice with...

  • Here Comes The Sun

    Named after the iconic Beatles tune, Here Comes The Sun is a morning-friendly home practice I created for folks who want to get some mindfulness and movement in before the day's work begins.

    It is a shorter form Integrated Vinyasa practice that includes spinal awakening, some flow to get your bl...

  • COREtified

    COREtified is an Integrated Vinyasa practice that supports your sense of fortified strength from the hub of your being out to the perimeter.

    The class features engaging core work along with standing poses and backbends for a full spectrum powerful experience to serve you in your life off the mat...