Some days we just need to surrender the cognitive and emotional load we’re carrying and this practice can help.
It’s a short Yin style practice that emphasizes nervous system downregulation, breath awareness and dropping into a state of calm.
You will need either a bolster or a rolled up blanket or beach towel for this practice.
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Heart's Desire
This is a shoulder and chest focused practice with the intention of not only stretching and strengthening these parts of your body but also cultivating the energies of courage and open-heartedness.
Through shoulder mobility, chest expansion, core fortification and a final backbend, we’ll leave f...
Live Satsang Soul Circle 4/14/24 - Maya
April 2024 - Making Friends with Your Mind Pt 2: MAYA - The veil of illusion. We explored the major cognitive distortions - the illusions we cognitively participate in.
Audio only:
No time stamping since teaching and sharing are ...
Live Bonus Soul Circle 03/29/24
Make Friends With Your Mind Bonus Soul Circle - Exploring obstacles, reframes and new approaches to the usual tricks our ego mind likes to play on us that keep us from moving through the world sure of who we are. We talk about pleasing, selflessness, boundaries, external validation and seeking ap...