Gratitude is kritanja in Sanskrit - we explore the etymology of the word, what it means, how it relates to attachment/aversion, enlightenment/awakening and grace! We also have real talk about how to zoom out and feel gratitude especially when things are challenging your ability to feel it. "I'm feeling this AND...."
Exceptional insights from the whole Potluck table too!
Up Next in Browse Everything
Wouldn’t it be nice if when we decided to RELEASE something that was troubling us that it simply disappeared?!
But we all know that’s rarely the case.
What we CAN do though is choose to RELEASE the CHARGE surrounding whatever it is, to clear the emotional path a bit for resolution or forbearanc...
Live Satsang 1/17/21 - SHUNYATA or Ab...
Live Satsang - A Gathering Of True People - on SHUNYATA, the absence of the conditioned and the touching of the unconditioned. Plus beautiful, powerful shares, questions and comments from our Potluck community.
Stretching & Meditation with Music
Stretching & Meditation - 1/2 seated stretches + 1/2 meditation - with music