Live Satsang 1/8/23 - SPANDA - ACTIVATION
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Live Satsang 1/8/23 - SPANDA, the vibratory quality of energy, that which propels us into creating. It is the creative pulse in the universe that is also within us.
When we can sense the pulse of spanda within us, we are sensing our personalized spark of the omnipresent and vast primordial life force.
Spanda vitalizes every moment, it reminds us of the gift that is life and the thrill of existence. It can be experienced as an intense inner drive, an impulse to grow, evolve, learn, manifest something, create flow and fully experience life.
Some questions to explore:
1) What is your current relationship with noticing, honoring and acting on the spanda within you? In what moments are you aware of it? How could you become more aware of it? What gets in the way of you noticing it? Honoring it? Acting on it?
2) What activation or throb of activation have you been feeling recently? What is an example of something you felt that impulse to activate or create? How did it feel to honor it?
3) What are you willing to do for spanda to be something more prominent in your day to day knowing it is always there? How are you willing to resist the urge to tamp it down? What will be different for you if you do?
4) How much faith do you have in the pulsing (impermanent, always expanding and contracting) nature of things, and life, do you have? How does it feel to experience contractive times as necessary for the expansion that always follows? How could you become more aligned with this way of perceiving the universe and everything in it? What would support you?
More journal/thought prompts!
5) What do you want to do more of in 2023? Less of?
6) What will you regret NOT prioritizing in 2023?
7) What are your top 3 most important priorities/goals/themes for 2023?
8) What are you willing to change in order to make what's most meaningful happen this year?
9) It's December 31, 2023 and you've accomplished this one thing. What is it?
10) When you get stuck, overwhelmed, or afraid, what mantra or phrase do you want to return to for perseverance with this vision for 2023?
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