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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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Live Satsang 7/14/21 - Wonder or Adbhuta Rasa

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  • Thoracic Freedom Flow

    Do this short practicedaily to maintain and enhance your thoracic freedom! (includes your chest, back, shoulder blades and shoulders!) Once you learn the flow, you can do it anywhere! 10/10 recommend this investment in your long-term mobility and love of life and living fully!

  • Recuperate

    This nourishing practice focuses on three main areas for a full spectrum recuperation and rest after any kind of activity.

    We start with a focus on shoulders, then spine, then bring it home with hips.

    And the whole thing has a mellow vibe for the downshift you need.

  • Bija Surya Namaskar