Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24
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Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind 2 - Embrace All Your Parts
0-1:30 Intro to Session
1:30-17:30 Stretch
17:30-23:50 Intro to Meditation
23:50-53:00 Guided Meditation
53:00-End Soul Circle
Audio of entire session:
Video of guided meditation only:
Audio of guided meditation only:
In this guided meditation, I continue the teaching on Maya or Illusion and the Cognitive Distortions we engage in that fortify the illusion and pair those with the Parts model from Internal Family Systems (IFS). I selected some common parts for you to explore and the cognitive distortion they may engage in. We acknowledged the parts that seem present and felt gratitude for what they did. And also acknowledged they can pump the brakes a bit so we can explore using other tools we've developed through our practice and other modalities now.
May it be of benefit!
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