I'm not a fan of pretending we always experience love and light! Our shadow side is an amazing teacher, if we learn how to work with it skillfully. In this case, anger is something we all experience from time to time and a natural part of being human. When we try to suppress it, deny it or hide it, it very often festers within us and can lead to bypassing.
I created this home practice to support you in acknowledging and working with the anger you're experiencing. To help you go from feeling out of control to feeling empowered. To harness the power of your anger and transmute it into mindful, compassion-driven action.
The practice includes flow sequences, postures, purification practices called kriyas and breathwork to support your process. May it be of benefit.
Up Next in 45-60 Minutes
The HIPness
Lots of different muscles and other tissues work together in support of our hips moving in all the ways they do.
This Integrated Vinyasa practice aims to address every single one!
Besides the anatomical benefits of maintaining healthy range of motion, hip-centric classes like this can also be s...
Steady As She Goes
Stay Grounded Stay Open
This Integrated Vinyasa practice is a sweet combo of hip openers and heart openers to support feeling steady, stable and grounded without losing your sense of open-heartedness and receptivity.So helpful in stressful times when we start to shut down.
Suggested prop is a bolster or folded blanket ...
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